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The Beighey Family - Serving Jesus in Thailand


Why Thailand:

Even though Thailand is open to the Gospel and to various religions being practiced, there are still many people who have never heard about Jesus. In a land deeply rooted in Buddhism it can be hard for the Gospel to penetrate through.


The Vision:

To share Jesus with those who have not heard. To further the spread of the Gospel and follow in the Great Commission. To work alongside locals to help them reach people with the Gospel that we never could. 


The Method:

Through working with Global Frontier Missions (GFM) we will be reaching out to people through Mobilization, Training, and Multiplying.


Mobilize: Taking teams and individuals on vision trips to see Bangkok and its people so they can get a passion to spread the Gospel to those who have not heard. 



Multiply: Actively building relationships with those who don't yet know Jesus. Being part of church planting where those who come hear about Jesus and learn to share Him with others. Being discipled and learning to disciple others.



Train: To train people up and equip them to go and make disciples who make disciples. Preparing those who desire to take the Gospel to the nations.


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